One hundred and nine years ago, on September 11, 1911, a dam built on Freeman Run north of the town of Austin, Potter County, PA, broke. The the ensuing flood caused significant damage to Austin and to the town of Costello further downstream. Seventy-eight people lost their lives during the disaster.
The concrete impoundment dam at Austin was built by the Bayless Pulp and Paper Company in 1909. Almost immediately concerns were raised about the dam’s safety. Cost saving shortcuts in the design, including a draw-off pipe with a wood cap that could not be operated when the water level rose too high, compromised the integrity of the dam. Even before it was filled with water cracks were noticed in the face of the dam. Despite warning signs and the urging of concerned individuals the Bayless Co. did nothing to sure-up the dam, and at this point in history there was no official regulation regarding dam safety in Pennsylvania. Even in the aftermath of the Johnstown Flood in 1889 (another severe dam failure disaster), the PA legislature failed to pass new safety laws or regulations. It took the Austin Dam disaster for changes to be made.
The ruins of the dam can be visited today at the Austin Dam Memorial Park, located approximately 20 miles southwest of the museum along Route 872.
These images from our archival collection (LM2018.3) document the aftermath of flood’s destruction.
In honor of “Talk Like A Pirate Day” (September 19, 2020), here’s the story a wooden Pennsylvania-built sailing ship that took on pirates.
The old growth forests of “Penn’s woods” provided ample material for the construction of wooden sailing ships. Especially desirable was the Eastern white pine; with its tall, straight trunk it was ideal for use as ship masts. Pine trees were also used to produce pine tar, used as waterproofing in ship construction. With prime access to these forest resources Philadelphia be came a major center for shipbuilding in the 1700’s.
After the American Revolution the newly formed United States disbanded its Continental Navy in 1785. The ships were sold-off by our new nation which lacked the funds to maintain them. Unfortunately, this left the United States without an armed maritime presence until the U.S. Revenue-Marine (fore-runner to the modern Coast-Guard) was founded in 1790. The U.S. Revenue-Marine only consisted of ten small cutters that could patrol the US coasts, leaving American merchant vessels largely unprotected on the high seas.
Prior to independence, American merchant vessels were under the protection of the powerful British navy. Once this protection ceased these ships were vulnerable to attack from pirates and privateers, especially from pirates operating around the Barbary Coast of Africa, supported by local nations.
The Barbary States demanded tribute to be paid in exchange for not attacking American shipping. The United States initially agreed to pay these tributes but the political humiliation of paying for protection from pirates led to the creation of the United States Navy with the Naval Act of 1794.
The Naval Act of 1794 proved for the construction of six frigates. These frigates were designed by noted Philadelphia shipbuilder Joshua Humpherys. The first of the frigates, the “USS United States” was build by Humpherys at his shipyard and launched in 1797. The “USS Constitution” is the last surviving ship of the original six frigates and is the world’s oldest commissioned naval vessel still afloat. (You can tour “Old Ironsides” at the Charleston Navy Yard, Boston, MA.)
To complement these six frigates the citizens of Philadelphia raised money through subscription to build a seventh frigate to gift to the new national navy. Laid down in November of 1798 and launched in November of 1799 the frigate “Philadelphia” was constructed at Humpherys’ shipyard. While there may have been patriotic inspirations behind Philadelphians’ desire to fund a new ship to give to the US Navy, it was also in the best interest of the merchant men who’s ships were in need of protection.
Birch, William Russell, Engraver. Preparation for War to defend Commerce. The Swedish Church Southwark with the building of the Frigate Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States, 1800. Retrieved from the Library of CongressThe “USS Philadelphia” was originally named “The City of Philadelphia”- Philadelphia Gazette November 29th 1799
Under the command of Captain Stephen Decatur (Sr.) the “USS Philadelphia” ‘s first action was not against pirates but against the French during the Quasi-War. The Quasi-War with France was an undeclared war fought on the seas in response to France’s violation of American neutrality during the Napoleonic War. Much like the Barbary pirates, the French Navy had been capturing unprotected American merchant vessels and men. During her first cruise (1800-1801) the “Philadelphia” captured five French ships and freed six US merchant vessels that had been captured by the French.
During the Quasi-War with France, the Barbary States and their pirates continued to capture American merchant men and demand high ransoms for their return. President Jefferson, determined to cease payment to pirates, sent US Navy ships to the Barbary Coast for a fight that would become known as the “First Barbary War”.
The “USS Philadelphia” joined the blockade of Tripoli in 1802. After briefly returning to the United States, “Philadelphia” re-engaged at Tripoli with Captain William Bainbridge in command. On October 31st, 1803, while giving chase to a pirate ship, “Philadelphia” ran aground on an uncharted reef. Immobilized, the ship and crew were captured by the pirates. This setback led to a daring raid on February 16th, 1804 by Lieutenant Stephen Decatur (Jr.), son of the “USS Philadelphia” ‘s first captain. Lieutenant Decatur and a volunteer crew sailed the captured Tripolian ketch “Mastico” (renamed “Intrepid”) into the enemy’s harbor. Unaware that the ketch was under American command, the Tripolians allowed it to pull up next to the refloated “Philadelphia”. Decatur and his men boarded the ship, defeated the crew and managed to set it on fire before safely returning to open sea.
Decatur and his men driving the Pirates off the captured Philadelphia. Image- US Naval History and Heritage CommandBurning of the USS Philadelphia by Edward Moran 1897- Image US Naval History and Heritage Command
While the “Philadelphia” may have met a sad fate, the show of force of the new US Navy, largely comprised of Philadelphia-built ships made of Pennsylvania lumber, eventually put an end to the threat of Barbary pirates on American shipping.
How can you tell which bunk is yours in a bunkhouse full of identical beds? Why with a bunk tag of course. Members in the Civilian Conservation Corps had metal tags with their names on them that hung at the foot of their bunk. This tag (LM2011.7.1A-B) belonged to Fred Wintersteen, who was in Company 342 at Camp S-88 Lyman Run.
(LM2011.7.1A-B with facsimile tag)
Bunk tags can been seen in these photos of the interior of a bunkhouse at Camp S-88 Lyman Run
Gerald Miller Collection 83.18Gerald Miller Collection 83.18
A Gunter’s Chain is a tool that was used by surveyors as a means of measuring land. This tool was named after Edmund Gunter, the English mathematician and astronomer who invented it in 1620. A Gunter’s chain is 66 feet long and divided into 100 links with each link measuring 7.92 inches. In this system, 10 square chains equals 1 acre and 80 chains equals 1 statute mile.
The Gunter’s chain would become a standard tool for surveyors in England and throughout the English Colonies and Territories (This included the United States as a former colony). “Link and Chain” are official measurements used in British Imperial Units. Gunter’s chains eventually were replaced by steel ribbon tape, a type of wound tape measure.
Surveying land was important to the PA lumber industry as accurate measurements were required for sale, transfer and harvest of individual timber tracts. Later as the Commonwealth started to purchase and acquire deforested land, surveyors were used to measure out boundaries for state forest and park land. Though Gunter’s chains are now obsolete as a surveying tool, knowledge of their use and measurements in links and chains is useful when dealing with old land deeds and maps.
This Gunter’s Chain (L69.1.42) was donated by the Penn State School of Forestry.
Civilian Conservation Corps Camps served as their own little communities, providing almost everything a CCC Enrollee could need. In addition to the Barraks and Mess Hall, camp included, Rec Halls and other recreation facilities, classroom, and medical facilities. The camps also included Camp Exchanges or Canteens, small stores that sold useful everyday items that an Enrollee could want but that wasn’t issued by the CCC. Such items could include toiletries, candy and snacks, soft-drinks, tobacco, writing paper, etc. Beer was allow to be sold at the Canteen of the Veterans’ Camps, who’s members were veteran’s of WWI and thus older than the regular Enrollees. These Camp Exchanges were a benefit to the camp in several ways. The men wouldn’t have to wait until they could get permission to go to town (which could be a distance from camp) to make a purchase. They could visit the Exchange after dinner when their day was done and there was time to relax. Any profit that was made by the Exchange was put back into the camp and could be used to buy next recreational equipment or other items for the benefit of the men.
Camp Exchange Coupon Book, S-88 Lyman Run (LM83.5.2)
Enrollees could request coupon books on credit, like the one above, and use the coupons as payment at the Exchange. These books were issued in $1 amounts and were filled with individual coupons worth 5 or 10 cents. When the monthly payday came around a Enrollee would receive his 5 dollars a month (after 25 dollars automatically was sent home). Any amount owed to the Exchange was taken out of that 5 dollar pay.
Camp Exchange at S-135 Dyer Farm (Elmer Kornish Collection)
Camp Exchange at S-135 Dyer Farm (Elmer Kornish Collection)
Another version of a coupon book. From Camp S-51 Brancville. NJ (Private Collection)
Sample of a 5 cent coupon page (Broward County Library Digital Archives)
Prior to the Civil War the United States Government did not issue paper money for wide spread circulation. The paper money that was used in everyday transaction were known as Bank Notes and were issued by private banks. These bank notes promised payment in species (hard money) but only at the bank that issued the note.
This Five Dollar Bank Note (L72.60.1) was issued by The Lumberman’s Bank of Warren. This bank was chartered on February 28th, 1834 and was the first bank to open in Warren, PA. The bank’s name is a nod to the importance of the lumber industry to the Warren County in the first half of the 19th century. According to the “History of Warren County” (1887) the first lumber raft headed down the Allegheny River from Warren to Pittsburgh in 1799 or 1801. An engraving of a sawmill is prominent on this bank note.
This bank only operated for a few years. It collapsed in 1838, a victim of the Panic of 1837, the first great economic depression in US history. The building that housed The Lumbermen’s Bank of Warren is still standing, known as the Mansion House.
This system of bank notes from individual banks had many flaws. This was especially evident while traveling. Since these notes were issued and backed by private banks and not the government there was no legal requirement for a store owner to accept them as payment. Often a bank note would lose it’s value the further away from the bank you got. A Tavern owner in Baltimore might only give you 4 dollars for this 5 dollar note from the Lumbermen’s Bank in Warren. If you happened to have this 5 dollar note after the Lumbermen’s Bank closed in 1838 it was worthless. There were as many as 8,000 different kinds of money in the US prior to the Civil War.
The idea for a museum highlighting the heritage of the lumber industry in Pennsylvania started with the suggestion that the Penn-York Lumberman’s Club acquire a logging locomotive to display at their annual Woodsman Carnival, which had been held at Cherry Springs Park since 1952.. This suggestion was made in May of 1963 and at the July meeting of the members of the Penn-York Lumbermen’s Club decided to go further and to work towards the development of a museum.
Logo of the Penn-York Lumbermen’s Club
Postcard of the Potato City Hotel. It was at this hotel that the Penn-York Lumbermen’s club met and where the early planning for the Lumber Museum took place (LM2012.30.15)
On the right, the Shay locomotive purchased for the Lumber Museum in Fenwick, WV c1962. The Shay on the left would go to the PA Railroad Museum.
The members of the Penn-York Lumberman’s Club worked together with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) to plan this new museum. A 160 acre site was acquired from Denton Hill State Park and in 1966 the Pennsylvania General Assembly approved funds for the construction of the Lumber Museum. Prior to construction beginning in 1969 several member of the General Services Authority tried to cut the funding for the museum. Fortunately the members of the Penn-York Lumbermen’s Club, PHMC, and their supporters were able to rally support and save the museum.
Opened in 1959, Denton Hill State Park quickly became a popular Skiing destination. (Postcard LM2012.30.13)
160 acres of the park was transferred to PHMC for the new museum. The museum is now located on the land in the upper right side of this picture. (Postcard LM2012.30.14)
The Lumber Museum faced a last minute threat to its funding right as construction was about to begin. (The Potter Enterprise)
A letter from State Senator Confair to Marshall Case, President of the Penn-York Lumbermen’s Club, informing him that funding for the museum has been secured.
This Auger was the first artifact to be officially entered into the collection of the PA Lumber Museum
The Visitor Center was dedicated on August 1st, 1970…. and then immediately closed for regular hours due to lack of funding. “Lumber Museum Open, Then Closes” read the headline of The Potter Enterprise’s coverage of the Visitor Center dedication. The formal opening would occur two years later on August 4th, 1972, after the completion of the recreated Lumber Camp. Both ceremonies were planned to coincide with the annual Woodsman’s Carnival in honor of the efforts of the Penn-York Lumberman’s Club.
Dedication of the Visitor’s Center August 1, 1970 (The Potter Enterprise)
Program Cover for the Dedication.
Inside of the Dedication Program. Notice the note about the limited hours that had to be included in the program.
The Lumber Camp was completed just over a year after the Visitor Center was dedicated. (The Potter Enterprise)
Poster inviting attendees of the Woodsmen’s Carnival to the Formal Opening of the Lumber Museum on August 4th, 1972.
On Christmas Day 1934 a fire broke out in Civilian Conservation Camp S-92 Asaph, located in Asaph, PA, Tioga County. The fire destroyed the Orderly Room, Hospital, Supply Room, and one Barrack. The damage from the fire coupled with the fact that the camp was located on private land, it was decided to relocate the camp to a new site. The camp was moved four miles south to Darling Run State Park (now a part of Tioga State Forest) right next to the banks of the Pine Creek. CCC enrollee James McCarty was in camp at the time and took these pictures showing the buildings of Camp S-92 Asaph being dismantled for the move to the new location. Once the camp was moved it was given a new number and name, S-155 Darling Run. The S-155 camp site is easily accessible today. It is 1/2 mile south of the Darling Run parking access area on the Pine Creek Rail Trail.
Tanneries were an important part of North-Central Pennsylvania’s industry in the late 19th into the mid-20th century. Pennsylvania’s Tanneries were directly tied to the lumber industry because of the use of tannin-rich Hemlock tree bark in the tanning process.
This fleshing knife was used by Tannery workers to remove the hair and remaining tissue from hides after they have been soaked in a lime solution. These workers were known as “Beam Hands” because they placed the wet hide on a fleshing beam in order to scrap the hide with the fleshing knife. (See the last image in the post)
This knife is marked “P. Emerick Cin. O” and was reportedly used at the Damascus Tannery in Coudersport, PA.
Close up showing the maker’s mark.P. 122 of “Practical Treatise on the Leather Industry” by A. M Villon (image courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library)
This Chamfer Plane, used for making edges in woodworking, was made by the Mander and Dillin Company that was located on Germantown Ave. in Philadelphia.
This particular plane was owned by F.P. Case (1859-1937) who lived in Troy, PA. Mr. Case’s grandson, F. Marshal Case, was one of the driving forces in the creation of the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum and donated this plane.
The maker’s mark and the owner’s nameFirst page of the patent (Google patents)
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The Pennsylvania Lumber Museum is supported by the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum Associates.
The Pennsylvania Lumber Museum is administered by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Josh Shapiro, Governor. Haley Haldeman, Chair. Andrea Lowery, Executive Director.
Curator’s Corner A recent addition to the museum’s collection is the group of objects related to Fred Newell. Fred was a farmer and a carpenter who lived on his family farm in Newelltown, PA in Tioga County. During the winter months he would find work in lumber camps. It was not uncommon for farmers to supplement their income by working in the lumber camps during the winter when there was not as much work to be done on the farm. In 1900 at the age of 34 he was killed when he was struck on the head by a falling tree limb, while working at a lumber camp near Corbett, PA.
Donald Newell, Fred’s grandson, donated a collection of photographs to the museum on behalf of the Newell Family (in addition to a wood beam boring machine). The photographs are of Fred, the Newell Family at the farm as well as several photos of lumber camps. These photos were passed down through the Newell family. Unfortunately not much is known about them other than one photo that identifies the camp location as Corbett, PA. These photos are however a very exciting addition to the collection. Not only is there a connection though a specific individual but they also provide a good visual of camps at the time. In addition a couple of photos show women and children who were known to occasionally be at the lumber camps but are underrepresented in the museum collection. One of the photos is particularly interesting as it shows an African-American gentleman front and center in a group shop. As far as we can tell this is the only image in the museum’s collection that shows an African-American at a lumber camp of this time period.